
2023-11-23 20:43:44  来源:百姓

      Revealing  Zhang Bin’s enrichment methods of the Legal Department of TKE

    Zhang Bin (vito), the head of the Legal Department of TKE, has long used his functions to enrich himself in the commissioning of cases of the Company. The amount is shocking. According to insiders, Zhang earned more than 800,000 yuan in kickbacks from the law firm in just one case commission. During Xu Hongyan,the CFO of the Company's tenure not only approved a large amount of public relations expenses for Xu for a national tour, but spent a huge sum of money to have Xu appear on CCTV. At the same time, the number of cases entrusted by Zhang soared instantly. From Xu's appointment to her resignation, the number reached 1,498 in just over four years. Zhang used the litigation cases of the Company to earn a lot of money from huge agency fees. This is discussed in detail below:
Firstly, Zhang Bin, the head of the Legal Department of TKE, provides legal support to branches across the country. In this process, Zhang requires all branches and departments to implement the opinions of the Legal Department. For the problem of receivables that could have been solved through communication with customers, Zhang always requested that a lawyer's letter be sent to the customer. Many customers did not refuse to pay, but the elevator problems had not been solved. As long as the problems were solved, the customers would be able to pay off the balance soon. However, Zhang is not concerned about whether the client's problem is solved at all,instead,he is focused on quickly entering the litigation process as soon as possible. Once in the litigation stage, Zhang can control the overall situation. First, he signs an agency contract with the designated law firm and pay agency fees. Moreover, he refuses to give up the lawsuit until it reaches the second instance or even the higher court, aiming to increase the number of lawsuits. With each additional lawsuit, there is an additional payment. Zhang has been enriching himself through these commissions while depleting the financial resources of TKE. According to statistics, the judicial cases filed by TKE in the past four years include cases against employees, cases against agents, and cases against customers. In short, the more lawsuits there are, the more Zhang will earn from them.
Secondly, Zhang has been deeply entrenched in the legal department of TKE for many years. He has formed factions, played favorites, and prioritized personal interests. He has strong ties with various regional leaders in the Company, and whoever provides him with more litigation cases receives his support. Furthermore, Zhang frequently inspects the various branch offices, where not only do they provide him with delicious food and drinks, but they also use company funds to purchase Maotai Liquor for his personal enjoyment. Upon his departure, they even present him with valuable local specialties. Zhang's extravagant lifestyle is no longer a secret, and corruption and moral decay have almost become synonymous with the Legal Department. The most prominent example is the scandal involving Zhang Bin and Li Jingyu, the head of the North region.
Zhang and Li, through Beijing Jundu Law Firm, embezzled funds in cases where they appointed Shanghai Baoshenli Law Firm as their legal representative in Shanghai. Zhang repeatedly violated regulations by instructing Baoshenli Law Firm to send legal letters to websites, deleting corruption reports regarding Li's corruption in the subway project, and assisting Li in suppressing employee rights. Zhang also filed a prolonged three-year lawsuit against Liu X Feng (Case No.〔2022〕Jing 03 Min Zhong No.1543), an employee at the Beijing branch office. Even if the court ruled in favor of the employee, Zhang refused to comply with the court's decision. He also refused to compensate the employee despite the court ordering TKE pay 2n in compensation. Ultimately, the court had to enforce the ruling, highlighting the malicious nature of Zhang's actions.
Thirdly, the Legal Department of TKE annually allocates a huge amount of case commission fees to be controlled by Zhang,he receives kickbacks through three law firms, including Shanghai Baoshenli Law Firm. The commission fees paid by Zhang to these three law firms far exceed industry standards, and the scope of their engagements goes beyond the normal business operations. As a result, Shanghai Baoshenli Law Firm was summoned by the Shanghai Judicial Bureau. Zhang and the three law firms reached a private agreement, where he would pay higher commission fees to the law firms in exchange for increased kickbacks. These transactions are conducted in cash, leaving no trace. It is TKE that is responsible for footing the bill, and both Zhang and the law firms benefit from it. On the surface, this may seem like an internal financial management issue within the Company. However, Zhang has been illegally enriching himself by exploiting corporate loopholes for a long time. TKE has yet to bring embezzlement charges against Zhang, which indicates that the Company lacks the ability to correct these issues. It is absurd that TKE, with such serious problems, is still contemplating going public.
Fourthly, If Zhang Bin, using his position in the Legal Department of the Company, has been receiving kickbacks from three law firms for a long time, it can be considered an internal management issue for the Company. If the Company decides to file a lawsuit against Zhang for embezzlement based on his position, it would appear reasonable, as Zhang has taken money belonging to the company. As Zhang's employer, the Company has the right to hold him accountable, and outsiders have no authority to interfere.
But looking at it from another perspective, we can draw a different conclusion. Zhang reaped benefits for himself by paying high agency fees to the law firm. At the same time, he also used the money to interfere with the progress of the court trial, influence the outcome of the judgment, affect judicial fairness, inject corruption into the litigation process and influence certain judges through public relations. It goes beyond being an internal management issue for the Company and falls within the scope of investigation by the national judicial authorities. Since Zhang has a deep understanding of the law and leaves no visible traces of illegal activities, extensive efforts would be required for the judicial authorities to conduct a thorough investigation. However, by connecting all the cases where the Company paid agency fees to law firms and tracing the flow of money, a comprehensive investigation can uncover how these agency fees were actually used. This would expose Zhang's illegal activities.
In fact, Zhang's actions of corrupting the judicial process and even influencing the direction of case rulings extend beyond being an internal issue of TKE. It has severely impacted the local judicial environment. In order to receive more kickbacks from increased case fees, Zhang artificially created multiple opportunities for court hearings. For example, in cases such as (2022) Hu0117 Min Chu No.2638 and (2022) Hu0117 Min Chu No.829, Zhang deliberately appointed attorneys who intentionally failed to submit the required case acceptance fees within the specified period set by the court, nor did they request an extension. As a result, the court had to dismiss the cases filed by TKE. After some time,the Company would again appoint attorneys to refile the lawsuits, leading to the payment of additional agency fees and creating more opportunities for court hearings.
Another example is the case (2022) Hu0118 Min Chu No.23019, where the Company's appointed attorney intentionally withheld evidence during the trial and requested a dismissal of the lawsuit under the pretext of further evidence collection. The case would then be rescheduled for another hearing, wasting valuable court resources. These covert illegal practices forced the court to rearrange hearings repeatedly, resulting in a significant waste of national judicial resources and a disregard for the hard work of judges. Zhang's pursuit of personal gain is not just his individual behavior but has become a threat to society and the precious judicial resources of the country. Of particular concern are the three law firms involved, including Shanghai Baoshenli Law Firm, which charged significantly higher fees for representing TKE's cases.
What happened to these excessive profits? Did they end up in Zhang's personal pocket or flow into the corrupt judicial process? Such behavior should fall within the jurisdiction of the Shanghai Judicial Bureau for investigation. We trust that the Shanghai Judicial Bureau can conduct a fair and impartial examination of this case. In the cases involving the collaboration between these three law firms and Zhang, what specific illegal activities occurred? With numerous cases repeatedly initiating national litigation procedures, TKE, represented by Zhang, paid substantial amounts in agency fees, from which Zhang gained enormous benefits. It is crucial for the Shanghai Judicial Bureau to thoroughly investigate and uncover the truth, addressing and rectifying any corrupt practices within the judicial proceedings and ensuring a clean judicial environment for society.


第二:张斌身在蒂升法务部深耕多年,内部拉帮结派,结党营私,利益纽带纵横交错,在蒂升的各区负责人,谁多给张斌提供诉讼的案件多,张斌就替谁站台,而且张斌经常到各分公司视察,各地分公司不仅要好吃好喝招待张斌,甚至用公司招待费买茅台酒给张斌个人享用,临走时还奉上地方名贵特产,张斌生活奢靡已不是新鲜事,贪腐堕落几乎成了蒂升法务部的标签,最典型的就是张斌和北区李晶煜的蝇营狗苟之事,张斌和李晶煜通过北京君都律所在上海 委托代理的案件中套取资金,张斌委托上海宝申理律师事务所多次违规给多家网站发律师函,替李晶煜出面删除关于李晶煜在地铁项目中的贪腐报道,帮助李晶煜打压员工维权,对北京分公司员工刘X峰(案号:(2022)京03民终1543号)提起长达三年的漫长诉讼,即便是法院判员工胜诉,张斌也拒绝履行法院判决,还有法院判决蒂升赔偿员工2n,张斌都拒绝赔偿,最后不得不被法院强制执行,由此可见,张斌之恶毒非常人能比拟。




